Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas (Review)

Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas by Sheila Norton My rating: 5 of 5 stars Picked this up to read around Christmas, and ended up getting to it a tad late due to a busy festive year. When I did pick it up however, I loved it. I would have read it much faster (it is a very easy read) if my one year old didn't grab at the book so much while I was reading it. I could only really sit down with this...

Quarterly 1/4 : 2020

The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff The end date for this is April 7th (since this was posted late). Wanted to kick off 2020 with some sci-fi reading. I probably won't be starting this until February, as I've already got a busy January set up. But this is another book I'd like to read (or listen to) this year.

January 2020 BOTM

Maximum Ride #1 by James Patterson is this month's BOTM. Posted here a bit late I apologize. Not sure if I'll have time to read this this month, but this will definitely be a book I read in 2020. Book club members mentioned that this was a definite throwback for them, and they were excited to pick it up again. I however have never read it, lucky that my husband has a copy, and he's the one...

2020 Temperature Blanket Project

This year I'm attempting my very first temperature blanket! I've decided to use 100% cotton with a size 4 crochet hook. I based my temperature scale on this lion yarn post, although I chose different (close matching) colors to the ones they provided. You can also learn what a temperature blanket is there! Above are my skeins of yarn chosen for this project, and my first chain! 100x366 (leap...

Top Ten Books [2019]

Let me preface this list by saying that these are books I read in 2019, not books that came out in 2019 (although some did!) I read a wide variety of books and found these ten (starting with the best) to be the most enthralling or helpful to read. I'm also an Owlcrate subscriber which explains some of the unique covers listed here (for those wondering). I will note which books are Owlcrate...

Top Ten: Children’s Books [2019]

Let me preface this by saying that yes, I an adult have a Top Ten Children's Book list. I have one because I read a ton of books to my now one-year-old son, and I figured along the way we'd keep track of what we read, and which ones he really enjoyed. These books are being rated by how much he likes them. I judge that by how eager he is to listen to the book when I read, and how often he flips...

Winterwood: Review

Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw My rating: 4 of 5 stars What a beautiful cover! I was fortunate enough to get the Owlcrate exclusive cover of this and I love it, absolutely gorgeous. Made this the BOTM in my book club, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first book by Shea Ernshaw I've ever read. I had seen The Wicked Deep but hadn't paid much attention to it, now I'm considering grabbing a copy of it...

The Hazel Wood: Review

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert My rating: 3 of 5 stars I should have definitely read more reviews on this book. I picked it up expecting a fantasy world more like GOT or Narnia to be the Hinterland, but really this fantasy world falls more under the dark fairy tales children used to be told. The ones without happy endings or any explanation. The story basically follows a girl named Alice,...

Proverbs 15:30

Loved today's devotional, it was a good message and I wanted to write about it. A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. Proverbs 15:30 Today's devotional talked about the bad days, the days where a thousand pinpricks are in your skin. You spill your drink, you trip or stub your toe, you break a glass, the kids flush markers down the toilet and clog it,...