Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas (Review)

Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas

Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas by Sheila Norton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Picked this up to read around Christmas, and ended up getting to it a tad late due to a busy festive year. When I did pick it up however, I loved it. I would have read it much faster (it is a very easy read) if my one year old didn’t grab at the book so much while I was reading it. I could only really sit down with this book right before bed.

This book is sweet, a tad corny, and a bit cheesy. But all in a good way. I chose this book because I wanted a feel-good ‘everything works out in the end’ sort of story. That’s what I assume most people want around Christmas time. This book would set up a problem for the characters to run into, then solve it in the following chapter or so. But that’s fine, that’s what I wanted.

Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas obviously follows, Oliver, the cat. The story is told by him, from his point of view, as a retelling of events that happened. Oliver is telling his story to a kitten, and often stops the story to talk to the kitten, telling them to stop playing and pay attention and whatnot. The synopsis on Goodreads covers what Oliver’s story is about pretty well, so I won’t re-write any of that for you.

I do miss reading this book, and I’m delighted to see that there is one other book from this universe, from the point of view of another cat mentioned in this particular story. Charlie the Kitten Who Saved A Life. I will most definitely be looking for a copy of this soon, though I would love to read more about Oliver as well.

If you like feel-good, happy ending stories, love animals, particularly cats, then you’ll enjoy this book.

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