Some Big Changes

Once again it has been a while since I've updated this blog. Not that I don't like doing it, I just get so busy! A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. So let's dive in. From Four to FiveWith a new little one here for roughly six months, the last thing we expected was to be expecting! God has better plans than we do though, and we are thrilled to announce we are expecting a little girl...

Hello 2021

Life gets busy when you have kids, let me tell ya. Not a bad thing though, it is actually a very wonderful thing. Yes we get tired nights (here I sit in my son's room because he's having trouble sleeping), but we also get the cutest smiles and fun moments like dancing to music like we did earlier today. 2020 was a good year for our family. Perhaps not for everyone. The ridiculous lockdowns and...

Life Updates 9/23/2020

About time for another update! I have to say I've been loving this Fall-like weather, albeit we still have some semi-hot days here to break it up. I'm going to miss going swimming for sure. Swimming was a lot more fun with a toddler around, watching my son splash around in the pool was a hoot. It was a good family activity too. Now that Fall is on the way I can get back to my walks though, after...

A SAHM’s Tips and Tricks

I'm not at all a professional when it comes to giving advice, and honestly I don't have a real format for this post, but I've come across some things that our family has found helpful or interesting, and thought I'd share. Around the house adviceEver get sick of dryer sheets getting stuck to every piece of clothing, or end up finding them all over the house despite your best efforts to contain...

Busy Summer

A very busy summer indeed! Not that that's a bad thing. It seems like July is flying by, honestly hoping August does too simply because it is rumored to be even hotter than July and I'm already sick of the heat. Been spending this summer swimming, and taking my son to swim classes. I can't believe how much I've missed swimming, used to do it all the time when I lived up North. Albeit it is in a...

Nice to get away

I haven't really been on social media, or any art sites for a while now, and honestly that's a good thing. I find that the communities in which I used to be a part of are less and less something I identify with. I definitely still love making art, and I love my husband and I's characters. But the community itself, aside from the friends already made there, is sort of empty, repetitive, and very...

The Importance of Walking With God

I'm not sure how to start this off other than say that I am so very thankful for the Lord being present in my life. I recall a devotional earlier this week talking about walking with God rather than trying to predict His plans, or following your own path. Walking with Him is about trust, and knowing that He only intends the best for you, even if it is through some difficult life lessons. I've...

Life Update 4/27/2020

What a wonderful day we've been blessed with. Spent the morning taking my son and my dog on two separate walks, roughly three miles when all said and done. Just lovely to get out and about. Been listening to Ember Falls on audiobook when I'm working or walking, and recently picked up A Discovery of Witches on my kindle paperwhite as a re-read to enjoy. It has been four years since I had read it...

Life Update

Hey all! Wow it has been a while. I've definitely fallen behind on my personal projects. Here's why! My husband and I are expecting our next baby. For the tail end of February I was super busy, and then March hit me with morning sickness without mercy. I wanted nothing but ginger ale and crackers. When coffee makes me nauseous you know something is up. I couldn't even really handle water unless...

Quitting Sugar

Maybe that's a bit drastic. But my goal this year is to quit a lot of sugar. Just a few days ago I ran out of my creamer and now have to drink coffee with just honey. I suppose that's okay. I have successfully kicked the 'several cups of coffee' a day habit, and I have gone a year and a half without any hard or gummy candy. Only sweets in my life now are chocolate, which is sparing anyway (aside...