Busy Summer

A very busy summer indeed! Not that that’s a bad thing. It seems like July is flying by, honestly hoping August does too simply because it is rumored to be even hotter than July and I’m already sick of the heat.

Been spending this summer swimming, and taking my son to swim classes. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed swimming, used to do it all the time when I lived up North. Albeit it is in a pool and I prefer a nice lake or pond, but swimming is swimming and I’m not sure I’d want to step foot in a pond or lake out here with all the venomous things about.
Also been taking family walks, or going to parks and such. It is definitely important to get outside and enjoy the sunlight. I am a bit bummed though as my normal activity ability is sort of hindered since I’m with child, and my legs can’t take standing for long. Will be glad to have my energy back this fall/winter once the baby is here.

Also haven’t been reading as much as I’d like to, occasionally listening to audiobooks when I have the time, but I haven’t really had the time. I hope to get back into reading later this year when things slow down. Been working a lot around the house to prepare for the winter, and the new baby. Husband and I have been de-cluttering both physically and identity-wise.

De-cluttering physically has been super rewarding. We have been tossing junk left and right for about two years now, and we still aren’t done! We both are tired of collectable items, so those figurines and such either got tossed or became toys for the little one. We also have been tossing unused junk, and forgotten junk. We just love having the space more, easier to clean too. Speaking of space, it is so nice not having roommates. Kids are so much more fun, less dramatic too. What a breath of relief it was to have the roommates out.

De-cluttering identity-wise I suppose involves tossing things we just don’t care about anymore. Old things we used to be interested in, old t-shirts that don’t fit our style anymore. Old opinions, old habits. You grow as a person, you know? At least some people do. We are different people now than we were five years ago, and that’s a good thing!

Projects like this have been keeping us both very busy. Maybe this fall/winter we’ll have a bit more free time, or not (with the new baby around). Either way we are happy, and blessed. Work to do is a good thing, and the results are positive. Just today I finished painting a chalkboard for my son, which I’m hoping he’ll love. We’ll see if he sticks to the chalkboard or decides to “decorate” the rest of the house.

In what little free time I have, I work on art, or study the Bible, or play the occasional video game. I’ve really been into playing Pokemon Sword, and the new DLC my husband got for my birthday. I also just started the new Paper Mario that my dad got me for my birthday. Both are loads of fun! I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time for games and books in the late hours of the night when the new baby is here.

That’s mostly what I’ve been up to. Staying off social media and being productive. Enjoying the summer weather while I can, when I can. Definitely looking forward to fall though.