The Green Ember (Review)

The Green Ember

The Green Ember by S.D. Smith

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an astounding book! I can’t believe I put this one off for a couple years. It sat in my TBR list for a long while (and I honestly don’t understand why, this sort of book falls right under my very favorite types of stories). Well, I finally decided to get an audiobook version of it to listen to while I worked around the house, I specifically chose it because it would be appropriate to listen to while around my son.

First of all Joel Clarkson did a phenomenal job narrating this book. All the character voices were unique, and the tone was just right. He even sang some of the songs in the book (this was a nice touch, as in The Animals of Farthing Wood they only mentioned the animals singing and never actually sang the song in the audiobook version.)

As for story, it gets you! Hook, line, and sinker! I ended up listening to a couple hours of this each day of the week and was soon finished with it. Now I wait eagerly for my next audible credit to be available so I can grab the next book in the series. The story and characters in this book had me so captivated that a lot of the work I was doing while listening was something I actually looked forward to doing, just so I could focus on Joel’s voice and listen. I ended up cleaning the house entirely a few days in a row, and painted a whole bathroom while listening to this.

The Green Ember tells several tales, all woven together. You learn about Heather and Pickett, about Smalls and Wilfred, and several other rabbits throughout the story. I don’t think there was a character in the book I honestly disliked, they were all very unique and well rounded characters. Except for the villains, they were good villains but I always prefer the heroes. If you want to know more I strongly suggest taking a gander at the goodreads synopsis if you haven’t already. You’ll definitely enjoy this book if you’re a fan of Redwall, The Chronicles of Narnia, Urchin of the Riding Stars, or Thunder Oak.

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